Intelligent Agent based University Search & Admission System- Android Environment


  • Suresh Sankaranarayanan Lecturer & Leader Intelligent Networking Group Department of Computing, University of WestIndies, Mona Campus
  • Leighton Cox Graduate Student Mona Institute of Applied Sciences University of WestIndies Mona Campus


M-commerce, Agents, JADE-LEAP, Android 2.2


While the Internet has alredy brought us humans together in new, exciting, and unexpected ways, the same is also happening to our prevalent adoption of digital mobile devices that has paved the way for the development of many innovative applications in the commercial domain. The framework of M-commerce provides services like Mobile ticketing, Mobile banking, Mobile location based services, Mobile auctions, Mobile purchasing. The possibilities and opportunities are endless when considering mobile devices, as a universal device for mobile commerce applications. In employing such an application to choose an educational institution for higher education, we generally want to choose the best Universities with quality of overall teaching, modern facilities and resources, publications\research interest, student feed back, funding for courses, clean environment and affordable rates. These tasks can be humanly time consuming and sometimes costly even with the event of using human agents. So based on these challenging tasks we hereby propose “Intelligent Agent Based University Search and Admission System” .This system would employ the use of an intelligent agent (as an alternative to the human agent) to perform similar search and admission activities that would improve the speed of the search and reduce cost considerably. The development of agents will be base on using fuzzy preference rules and heuristics, to make accurate decisions based on the user’s criteria or specifications. The implementation would be carried out using JADE-LEAP agent development kit on Android 2.2 handset.


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How to Cite

Suresh Sankaranarayanan, & Leighton Cox. (2012). Intelligent Agent based University Search & Admission System- Android Environment. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 4, 8. Retrieved from



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