Domain Specific Service Oriented Reference Architecture Case: Distributed Disasters and Emergency Knowledge Management


  • Jari Leppäniemi Tampere University of Technology - Pori


Service oriented, reference architecture, interoperability, emergency management, domain-specific, service model, service bus


This paper introduces the design of a Domain-Specific Service-Oriented Reference Architecture (DS-SORA) for disasters and emergencies management (4EM). It also gives an overview of the features of the emergency management knowledge. Reference Architecture (RA) models and uses abstract elements in a domain and thus it is possible to have several RAs at different levels of the same domain. The main concern of our stakeholders is to have a reasonable viewpoint for defining the data and information needed for decision-making in emergency situations. The principles of defining the domain-specific reference architecture are presented here and we give a short discussion on the service model. Although the demand for interoperation between systems and organizations based on service-oriented systems is growing, the choice between the available technologies is not straightforward. However, the core concepts of the presented domain-specific reference architecture are highly universal and thus applicable in several domains.


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How to Cite

Jari Leppäniemi. (2012). Domain Specific Service Oriented Reference Architecture Case: Distributed Disasters and Emergency Knowledge Management. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 4, 12. Retrieved from



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