Identifying and Visualizing Universal Features for Architectural Mouldings


  • Jean-Yves Blaise CNRS, MAP FRE 3315 CNRS/MCC, 184 avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France
  • Iwona Dudek CNRS, MAP FRE 3315 CNRS/MCC, 184 avenue de Luminy, 13288 Marseille Cedex 09, France


knowledge visualization, information visualization, patterns, heritage architecture, comparative reading


When observing architectural mouldings with an amateur’s eye, they do seem to have something in common – or at least comparable features. But what, precisely? Curves? Alternation of curves? Rhythms and proportions? This contribution introduces a concept that aggregates abstract features of a 3D moulded object, may the object be real (existing or having existed) or purely theoretical (from literature). Our research – at the intersection of architectural modelling and of information visualisation, investigates how new metrics, along with a cognition-amplifying visual encoding, could help uncover patterns and exceptions in the design of mouldings (across historical periods, across territories, across stylistic affiliations, across families of 3D objects, and across sources) and ultimately could help gaining insight on relations of mouldings to one another, and to the architectural theory.


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How to Cite

Jean-Yves Blaise, & Iwona Dudek. (2012). Identifying and Visualizing Universal Features for Architectural Mouldings. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 4, 14. Retrieved from



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