Decision Making For Items To Be Kept For Sale In Supermarket Using Fuzzy-Genetic Approach with Single Minimum Support Using 3-Dimensional k-means Clustering


  • Shaikh Nikhat Fatma Department of Computer, Mumbai University, Pillai Institute of Information Technology, Engineering, Media Studies & Research
  • Dr. J W Bakal Department of Information Technology, Mumbai University, Mumbai, India


3 dimensional k-means Clustering, data mining, fuzzy set, Fuzzy Mining(FM), genetic algorithm, chromosomes, confidence, Fuzzy Association Rules, membership functions, Quantitative transactions


Data mining is the process of extracting desirable knowledge or interesting patterns from existing databases for specific purposes. Most conventional data-mining algorithms identify the relationships among transactions using binary values. Transactions with quantitative values are however commonly seen in real-world applications. The fuzzy concepts are used to represent item importance, item quantities, minimum supports and minimum confidences. Fuzzy operation like intersection is used to find large itemsets and association rules. Each attribute uses only the linguistic term with the maximum cardinality in the mining process. It uses a combination of large 1-itemsets and membership-function suitability to evaluate the fitness values of chromosomes. The calculation for large 1-itemsets could take a lot of time, especially when the database to be scanned could not totally fed into main memory. In this system, an enhanced approach, called the 3-dimensional k-means cluster-based fuzzy-genetic mining algorithm is used, which uses the coverage factor overlap factor and average of both factors to cluster the chromosomes. It divides the chromosomes in a population into clusters by the 3-dimensional k-means clustering approach and evaluates each individual according to both cluster and their own information. A genetic- fuzzy data-mining algorithm for extracting fit membership functions and multilevel association rules with its confidence from quantitative transactions is shown in this paper.


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How to Cite

Shaikh Nikhat Fatma, & Dr. J W Bakal. (2014). Decision Making For Items To Be Kept For Sale In Supermarket Using Fuzzy-Genetic Approach with Single Minimum Support Using 3-Dimensional k-means Clustering. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 6, 12. Retrieved from



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