Towards the Improvement of Cuckoo Search Algorithm


  • Ms. Hetal R. Soneji Department of Mathematics G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology VallabhVidyanagar, India-388 120
  • Mr. Rajesh C. Sanghv Department of Mathematics G. H. Patel College of Engineering & Technology VallabhVidyanagar, India-388 120


Cuckoo search,Lévy flights, Optimization,Random number generation, Mantegna’s algorithm, McCulloch’s algorithm, Modified Cuckoo Search Algorithm


Cuckoo search algorithm via Lévy flights by Xin-She Yang and Saush Deb [1] for optimizing a nonlinear function uses generation of random numbers with symmetric Lévy distribution obtained by Mantegna’s algorithm. However, instead of using the original algorithm, itssimplified version is used to generate Lévy flights during the Cuckoo Search algorithm [2].A paper by MatteoLeccardi [3] describes three algorithms,namely, Mantegna’s algorithm, rejection algorithmand McCulloch’s algorithm to generate such random numbers and claims thatMcCulloch’s algorithm outperforms the other two. The idea in this paper is to compare the performance of Mantegna’s algorithm, its simplified version, and McCulloch’s algorithm when each of them is incorporated in Cuckoo search algorithm to generate Lévy flights [4].Moreover, a term similar to the Local Best component of PSO is added in updating the population while implementing the CS algorithm using simplified version of Mantegna’s algorithm and the results are analyzed. Some other implementation oriented changes are also incorporated and their effect is studied.


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How to Cite

Ms. Hetal R. Soneji, & Mr. Rajesh C. Sanghv. (2014). Towards the Improvement of Cuckoo Search Algorithm. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 6, 12. Retrieved from



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