Domain Ontology Based Class Diagram Generation From Functional Requirements


  • Jyothilakshmi M S Information Technology, School of Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology
  • Philip Samuel Information Technology, School of Engineering Cochin University of Science and Technology Kochi-22 Kerala India


— Domain Ontology, Natural language processing, UML Class Diagram


Domain ontology formally represents knowledge as a set of concepts within a domain, and the relationships among those concepts. This paper proposes a method to generate class diagram from functional requirement specification which is written in natural language by using Domain ontology and Natural language processing techniques. Major steps in this method are identification of nouns and verbs from requirement specification statements and linking them with the ontology. From the ontology we get information about core concepts and relationships among those concepts. Thus domain ontology helps in the identification of classes, attributes and relationships for the particular domain for which the system is to be developed.


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How to Cite

Jyothilakshmi M S, & Philip Samuel. (2023). Domain Ontology Based Class Diagram Generation From Functional Requirements. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 6, 10. Retrieved from



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