Grid Scheduling Heuristic Methods: State of the Art


  • Rajni Aron Thapar University, Computer Science and Engineering Department
  • Indreveer Chana Thapar University, Computer Science and Engineering Department, Patiala, 147004


Grid scheduling; Heuristic methods; Grid computing


Efficient management of the Grid resources require fair resource allocation and scheduling. The mapping of jobs to the resources in the Grid is a NP complete problem. NPcomplete problems are often solved using heuristic techniques. Over the time, heuristics and meta-heuristics have proved to provide an optimum solution for the combinatorial optimization problems. In this paper, a survey of scheduling algorithms and heuristic approaches is done. The motivation of this survey is to encourage the amateur research of heuristics based scheduling in Grid computing, so that the researchers can understand the concept of heuristic approaches for resource scheduling in the Grid computing. The comparison of the heuristic has been shown and experimental result shows that the hyper-heuristics can be of significance importance in Grid scheduling.


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How to Cite

Rajni Aron, & Indreveer Chana. (2014). Grid Scheduling Heuristic Methods: State of the Art. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 6, 8. Retrieved from



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