5G Millimeter Wave Propagation with Intelligent Grid Selection for Obstacle Avoidance


  • Dr. Kapil Sharma Information Technology Department, Delhi Technological University (DTU), India
  • S. K. Agrawal Computer Engineering Department, Delhi Technological University (DTU), India


millimeter wave (mmWave), 5th generation (5G), Federal Communications Commission (FCC), Cellular-Internet of Things (C-IoT).


Recently, millimeter wave (mmWave) frequencies are under research for providing high speed data spectrum for upcoming 5th Generation (5G) communication system by 2020 with Device-to-Device (D2D) data exchange facility. Due to high frequency spectrum in 5G, the mmWave frequencies suffer with high propagation attenuation in the channel due to various obstacle or blockages. There is a demand and need in 5G world to have an effective method for efficient mmWave propagation in the wireless channel. In this research paper, we propose an innovative method for intelligently selecting a grid or group of grids having minimal mmWave propagation attenuation from a virtual grid face. This grid selection for mmWave propagation is described to overcome the various effects of obstacles by forming virtual grid face around the transmission antenna. The simulation for the same has been performed for the proposed 5G D2D mmWave link. Further, one grid (or group of grids) is selected from the virtual face based on the minimal attenuation value the for the mmWave propagation. Minimal attenuation grid can be used in several manner in the 5G D2D wireless communication system like for line of Sight (LoS) link, transmission power link budget analysis, transmission power control, beamforming, Shannon channel capacity analysis, cell planning and etc. This paper shows smart intelligent method for minimal attenuation grid-forming for the mmWave based communication link. It significantly improves the 5G system performance by saving the transmitter power radiation for mmWave propagation through the selected grid having minimal attenuation.


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How to Cite

Dr. Kapil Sharma, & S. K. Agrawal. (2018). 5G Millimeter Wave Propagation with Intelligent Grid Selection for Obstacle Avoidance. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 10, 10. Retrieved from https://cspub-ijcisim.org/index.php/ijcisim/article/view/374



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