VLSI Implementation in Biomedical Applications: A Review


  • Nagavarapu Sowmya Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology University, Gunupur, India
  • Shasanka Sekhar Rout Gandhi Institute of Engineering and Technology University, Gunupur, India
  • Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi National Institute of Science and Technology, Berhampur, India


Biomedical, Disbursement, FPGA, MICS, Neuromorphic, Protocol, VLSI


Recent disastrous incidents in health care system have disturbed the continuous process of care, leaving the health care sector in a ‘state of emergency’. The rise of trust flaw between patients and health bionetwork might hamper the aspired progress of the Indian health care sector and health of the nation. With these rising costs and aging population, public leading a miserable life every day. Government need to take initiative of reexamining the health care system in some of the key features like assurance handling, compliance to treatment and care protocols, guidelines, cost control, disbursement models, integrity and technology enactment. In this situation, Wi-Fi transmission can be accessible with new traditions of health care delivery that lessens cost, diminishes victim’s distress and man power. This wireless structure can be constructed using very large-scale integration (VLSI) concept which is appropriate for biogenic applications. VLSI design in biomedicine produces reduction in size of the chips, range, and speed enhancement. In this analysis, various proposals are scrutinized for VLSI employment of neural networks which is stated as CMOS fabrication technique, architecture of medical implant communication system (MICS) receiver for critical medical operations, field programmable gate array (FPGA) execution of semantic networks, neuro-fuzzy system, neuromorphic computing approach, neural net performance in analog hardware and digital network. Furthermore, the merits and demerits of these classifications and methods are covered here.


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How to Cite

Nagavarapu Sowmya, Shasanka Sekhar Rout, & Rajesh Kumar Patjoshi. (2020). VLSI Implementation in Biomedical Applications: A Review. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 12, 13. Retrieved from https://cspub-ijcisim.org/index.php/ijcisim/article/view/450


