Machine Learning Approach for Automated Legal Text Classification


  • Riya Sil Department of Computer Science and Engineering, Adamas University, Barasat, Kolkata 700126, India
  • Abhishek Roy Department of Computer Science and Technology, Manav Rachna University, Faridabad, Haryana - 121004, India


Machine learning, Document Analysis, Classification, Legal Dataset


As a developing nation, India is dealing with the huge burden of population explosion. Due to this reason, there persists a large number of issues amongst the citizens where all the contesting parties seek legal help to obtain the desired justice. This results in the filing of legal cases at several courts of our country, which remains pending for a longer duration due to lack of sufficient manpower and infrastructure. Moreover, in these recent days of the global pandemic of Coronavirus and subsequent phases of economic lockdown have adversely affected the socio-economic balance within our society. This incident had created various types of violence within our society particularly targeting the weaker sections i.e., domestic violence against women. To save the weaker section of society it has become the need of the hour to resolve all the pending legal cases related to domestic violence against women. To assist legal professionals in this process, Machine Learning based advanced techniques may be applied within the legal domain. To achieve this objective, authors have proposed a judgment classification model related to 'Domestic Violence Against Women Act'. Our proposed model will support legal professionals in resolving these cases in a structured manner through classification and identification of legal datasets (collected from various court proceedings of West Bengal) to identify the accused person. For classification of the offender, six classifiers namely, Multi-Layer Perceptron Classifier, Decision Tree Classifier, K-Nearest Neighbour Classifier, Naïve-Bayes Classifier, Support Vector Machine Classifier, and Ensemble Classifier have been applied to obtain the desired output.


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How to Cite

Riya Sil, & Abhishek Roy. (2021). Machine Learning Approach for Automated Legal Text Classification. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 13, 10. Retrieved from



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