The SQL-Based Geospatial Web Processing Service


  • Soravis Supavetch Geo-Image Technology Research Unit, Department of Survey Engineering, Faculty of Engineering, Chulalongkorn University
  • Sanphet Chunithipaisan


Web Processing Service, Geospatial Processing Service, Geospatial Processing Engine, Spatial Database


Since the OGC promoted the specification of OGC Web Processing Service (WPS), several researches on the development of geospatial online service have been happened. Most of WPSs are developed extending on GIS software or APIs. Nowadays, most databases are extended to support spatial data and also provide a number of spatial functions which can be called through SQL. This paper presents the development of WPS which uses spatial database as processing engine. Extended WPS protocol is designed to support SQL to invoke spatial function. Using SQL eases the modification of WPS regarding the change of processing function service. Databases tested with the implemented WPS include Oracle, PostgreSQL and MySQL. The database type is listed in WPS GetCapabilites document and allowed to choose for working spatial engine. Thus, users can use SQL in which they are familiar with the database. The results from scenario tests clearly show the success of the implementation of this concept.


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How to Cite

Soravis Supavetch, & Sanphet Chunithipaisan. (2011). The SQL-Based Geospatial Web Processing Service. International Journal of Computer Information Systems and Industrial Management Applications, 3, 8. Retrieved from



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